Sometimes when Mendel crossed two purple-flowered pea plant with each other, he obtained a phenotypic ratio of 3:1 (purple-flowered pea plants to white-flowered pea plants). These results are consistent with which of the following sets of parents

Sometimes when Mendel crossed two purple-flowered pea plant with each other, he obtained a phenotypic ratio of 3:1 (purple-flowered pea plants to white-flowered pea plants). These results are consistent with which of the following sets of parents

a. homozygous purple pea plant and homozygous white pea plant
b. homozygous purple pea plant and heterozygous white pea plant
c. heterozygous purple pea plants and homozygous white pea plants
d. heterozygous purple pea plants and homozygous purple pea plant
e. heterozygous purple pea plant and heterozygous purple pea plant

Answer: e. heterozygous purple pea plant and heterozygous purple pea plant

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