Which of the following structures feature sensory axons of the vagus nerve which pass through the jugular foramen to end in the pons and medulla oblongata?

Which of the following structures feature sensory axons of the vagus nerve which pass through the jugular foramen to end in the pons and medulla oblongata?

A) lower eyelid
B) taste buds of the anterior two-thirds of the tongue
C) baroreceptors of the carotid sinus
D) extrinsic muscles of the eyeball

Answer: C

Sensory axons of the facial nerve

Sensory axons of the facial nerve

A) arise from taste buds covering the posterior one-third of the tongue
B) pass to the geniculate nucleus
C) extend from the semicircular canals
D) pass through the superior orbital fissure

Answer: B

The ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve

The ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve

A) passes through the superior orbital fissure
B) supplies motor neurons for chewing
C) is the largest of the three trigeminal nerve branches
D) includes sensory axons from the palate and upper teeth

Answer: A

The trochlear nerve

The trochlear nerve

A) divides into superior and inferior branches
B) arises from the posterior aspect of the brain stem
C) controls extrinsic and intrinsic eye muscles
D) innervates the lateral rectus muscle

Answer: B