You are exploring a distant planet and find an interesting ecosystem in a lake of liquid methane. Tiny organisms, which you call "quiddles", are able to use the methane to produce carbon sugars. Other organisms, (widdles), consume the quiddles. You discover that an average widdle weighs three times as much as an average quiddle, and that there are more widdles than quiddles per square meter of the lake. How would you describe the ecological pyramids based on these results?

You are exploring a distant planet and find an interesting ecosystem in a lake of liquid methane. Tiny organisms, which you call "quiddles", are able to use the methane to produce carbon sugars. Other organisms, (widdles), consume the quiddles. You discover that an average widdle weighs three times as much as an average quiddle, and that there are more widdles than quiddles per square meter of the lake. How would you describe the ecological pyramids based on these results?

A. An inverted pyramid of energy, and an inverted pyramid of biomass

B. A standard pyramid of numbers, and a standard pyramid of biomass

C. An inverted pyramid of numbers, and an inverted pyramid of biomass

D. A standard pyramid of numbers, and an inverted pyramid of biomass

Answer: C

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