Pesticides can be purchased for use in the greenhouse as a wettable powder (WP) or as an emulsifiable concentrate (EC). Which of the following is true about these two pesticide formulations.

Pesticides can be purchased for use in the greenhouse as a wettable powder (WP) or as an emulsifiable concentrate (EC). Which of the following is true about these two pesticide formulations.

A. WP are diluted (dissolved) in water and can settle during application while EC are suspended in water and do not settle during application.

B. There is no difference in the two formulations

C. EC must be added to water in correct rates where WP are applied as it exist in the container

D. WP and EC both are purchased as dry formulations

Answer: A. WP are diluted (dissolved) in water and can settle during application while EC are suspended in water and do not settle during application.

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