Estrogen and progesterone maintain the integrity of the uterine lining and prepare the mammary glands to secrete milk. Which of the following structures makes this possible during the first three months of pregnancy?
A) the amnion
B) the chorion
C) corpus luteum
D) corona radiata
Answer: C) corpus luteum
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Biology Chapter 28
- Select the correct statement about the special fetal blood vessels.
- The decidua basalis is ________.
- Which of the following is not usually considered a teratogen?
- Derivatives of the mesoderm include ________.
- Derivatives of the endoderm include ________.
- Which of the choices below occurs if fertilization of the ovum occurs and implantation takes place?
- Implantation of the blastocyst is the result of all of the following except ________.
- Cleavage as part of embryonic development is distinctive because it involves ________.
- Which of the following is true in reference to what may pass through the placental barriers?
- Sperm move to the uterine tube through uterine contractions and the energy of their own flagella. What other factor is involved in sperm movement?
- At which stage of labor is the "afterbirth" expelled?
- Which hormone is not produced by the placenta?
- During which stage of labor is the fetus delivered?
- Muscle tissue is formed by the ________.
- Neural tissue is formed by the ________.
- The trophoblast is mostly responsible for forming the ________.
- The cardiovascular system of a newborn must be adjusted after the infant takes its first breath. Which of the following is also true?
- How long is the egg viable and capable of being fertilized after it is ovulated?
- Select the correct statement about fertilization.
- Shortly after implantation ________.
- The dorsal surface cells of the inner cell mass form ________.
- A premature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall is called ________.
- The correct sequence of preembryonic structures is ________.
- Which of the following is not assessed as part of the Apgar score?
- Hormones concerned with events of lactation include ________.