In the early embryo, how are the positions of the mesoderm and endoderm different?

In the early embryo, how are the positions of the mesoderm and endoderm different?

A - The mesoderm is the outermost layer of the cells, while the endoderm is the innermost layer
B - The mesoderm is the innermost layer of the cells, while the endoderm is the middle layer
C - The mesoderm is the middle layer of the cells, while the endoderm is the innermost layer
D - The mesoderm is the innermost layer of the cells, while the endoderm is the outermost layer

Answer: C - The mesoderm is the middle layer of the cells, while the endoderm is the innermost layer
The ENDODERM is the outermost layer of cells. The MESODERM is the middle layer. The ENDODERM is in the innermost layer.

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