When the polymer X-X-X... is broken down into monomers, it is "phosphorylyzed" rather than hydrolyzed, in the following repeated reaction:

When the polymer X-X-X... is broken down into monomers, it is "phosphorylyzed" rather than hydrolyzed, in the following repeated reaction:

X-X-X... + Pa`X-P + X-X... (reaction 1)
Given the ?G° values of the reactions listed in the following table, what is the expected ratio of X-phosphate (X-P) to free phosphate (P) at equilibrium for reaction 1?

(a) 1:106
(b) 1:104
(c) 1:1
(d) 104:1

X-X-X... + H2O -> X + X-X...DG° = - 4.5 kcal/mole
X + ATP -> X-P + ADP DG° = -2.8 kcal/mole
ATP + H2O -> ADP + P DG° = -7.3 kcal/mole

Answer: C

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