The small molecule cyclic AMP (cAMP) takes about 0.2 second to diffuse 10 µm, on average, in a cell. Suppose that cAMP is produced near the plasma membrane on one end of the cell; how long will it take for this cAMP to diffuse through the cytosol and reach the opposite end of a very large cell, on average? Assume that the cell is 200 µm in diameter.

The small molecule cyclic AMP (cAMP) takes about 0.2 second to diffuse 10 µm, on average, in a cell. Suppose that cAMP is produced near the plasma membrane on one end of the cell; how long will it take for this cAMP to diffuse through the cytosol and reach the opposite end of a very large cell, on average? Assume that the cell is 200 µm in diameter.

(a) 4 seconds
(b) 16 seconds
(c) 80 seconds
(d) 200 seconds

Answer: C

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