Why must plants, such as mosses, live in moist environments?

Why must plants, such as mosses, live in moist environments?

A - They have roots to help support the plant only in moist environments
B - They lack xylem to move water throughout the plant but have phloem to move food
C - They have rhizoids instead of roots to help support the structure of the plant
D - They lack vascular tissue to move food and water throughout the plant
E - They lack phloem to move food throughout the plant but have xylem to move water

Answer: D - They lack vascular tissue to move food and water throughout the plant.

NON-VASCULAR plants are small, simple, and less advanced than most plants. Mosses, liverworts, and hornworts are the three main groups. They have no transport system for food or nutrients due to their small size. They have rhizoids instead of roots, which help anchor the plant.

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